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NEW Unleashed (Dvd)

NEW Unleashed (Dvd)
A 16mm film by Kurt Heine & Todd Hazeltine Chapters 1. Opening 2. Asylum Skit/Jeff Anderson 3. Modem-Pete Iversen, Iker Fernandez, Darius Heritschian, Mikko Jaujiainen, Ile Eronen, Gabriel Authier 4. Mob Rules-Kyle Clancey, Tyler Lepore, Tyler Dewilde, Luke Wynen 5. No Apologies-Brian Richardson, Luke Caler, Chris Hotell, Matt Downey, Greg Wilson 6. An Ocean Apart-Crash! 7. Long Way South-Peter Line, Chris Engelsman, Jason Borgstede, Kendall Whelpton, Janna Meyen 8. System Deceptive-Abe Teter, Keir Dillon, Gian Simmen, Heikka Sorsa 9. R**k the Vote-Tom Gilles, Mikko Rajakangas 10. Credits Bonus Material: Inside the loop with Tom Gilles, Kurt Heine and Cintia Schutt Making the Rollercoaster Rail Todd Hazeitine - Behind the Scenes at the Asylum View By rider Bonus Crash Section Outakes Roadrunner Records Music Videos.
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